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Front Desk

Front Desk

This screen displays your current tickets. The different tabs at the top will sort your tickets based on their current status or if you need to see them all at once, you can select the ALL tab. The name of the tabs and what statuses they catch can be edited in “Front Desk Tabs” in Admin.

  • To Open a ticket, double-click it or click the ticket number once.
  • To Sort your tickets, click the three dots next to any of the ticket categories and select ascending or descending to order the tickets based on that category.
  • In the same menu, you can add or remove categories by checking or unchecking them in the columns sub-menu.
  • To Start a new ticket, click Create Ticket.
  • To Delete a ticket, click on it once, then click Delete on the bottom of your screen. Deleted tickets will be removed from your front desk and moved into history when you run End of Day. 
  • To view a customer/vehicle’s History, click on the History  button at the bottom of the screen. 
  • To view the Scheduling Calendar, click on the Schedule  button at the bottom of the screen. 
  • To open the Timecard for techs to punch in and out, select the Timecard  button at the bottom of the screen. 
  • The Show Goal  button will let you see how you’re performing against the goal you’ve set in Company Information in the Admin menu. 
  • At the top right of the page is the quick links menu. The menu gets you access to the following:
    • Force your cash drawer open with “Open Cash Drawer”.
    • Delete ticket locks that may have occurred when someone logged out improperly.
    • See your Vendor and Inventory lists.
    • See previous Alerts. 
  • Next to the Quick Links is your Alerts inbox. Any unread text messages and remote payments that come in will be noted here.
Customer Info

Customer Info

Enter the customer’s first and last name in the appropriate fields.  This is all you need to continue, although it’s good practice to record as much contact information as you have available.

Additionally, you could use the Account Type option and switch the record to a company record, which will only require the company name 

We especially recommend including an email and a cell number for the program to use for our texting and emailing features.

When you’re finished, click on Vehicle to move on to adding a vehicle or Save to save the customer without adding a vehicle.

to continue.

Vehicle Info

Vehicle Info

To add the customer’s vehicle, you can either enter the VIN number

to decode the VIN, or you can manually select the Year, Make, Model, and engine size by clicking on the Standard or Custom vehicle buttons 

When you’re finished, click on Add Ticket to continue.

Estimate Summary

Estimate Summary

This screen displays all pertinent customer, vehicle and current repair information.
  1. Review Recommendations and TSB’s. The Vehicle Recommendations display all previous recommendations from the last visit to the shop.
  2. Source of Lead will allow you to track how your customer heard about your shop, or you can use it to record a specific coupon she may have brought in.
  3. Add the customer’s information In the Customer’s Repair Instructions section.

  4. Enter the Mileage In for easy service tracking.


Add a repair by selecting one of the Parts & Labor options:

  • To add any general mechanical work, click the  button.
  • To add a Quick Lube or LOF job, click the button.
  • To finalize the order of parts from PartsTech or individual integration orders, click
  • To add a tire job, click .


1. Review the Vehicle Recommendations and make changes based on what was done and anything the vehicle may now need.

2. If applicable, enter the Mileage Out.

If you have the LOF Sticker printer, click . You can print a sticker with the date and mileage when their next LOF service is due, and even include the vehicle’s recommended services.

3. Make sure you enter the name of the ticket's service writer and also include who the ticket was finished by

4. In the same window as the totals, you must address any exceptions in red before you can close out a ticket!

5. Select  to take a deposit or to clear your ticket’s balance.

Parts and Labor

Parts & Labor

  1. Enter the Part # which will auto search your Inventory. Select your part and add it to the ticket.
  1. Enter the if desired.
  2. Enter the part description under the next column.
  3. Enter the quantity.
  4. Click   to enter the cost so your margin calculator can determine your retail price, or just enter the retail price.
  1. Click on Suppliers to connect to your preferred supplier’s online catalog. 
  2. Select your supplier from the drop down menu
  3. Add the parts to your cart in your preferred supplier service and select “submit quote” to build the estimate or order parts if you’re ready to order the parts already.
Deliver Parts

*NOTE: Part numbers must always be entered in order for the system to allow you to process deliveries. If you add a part number that shows zero in stock in your inventory OR you add a part that requires ordering from your online parts supplier, you must complete a delivery to track profit across part sales and to track the item in your inventory. Additionally, if delivery and inventory verification are turned on, you will not be able to finish and process the ticket without delivering everything. If you do not want or need this feature on, please contact support and we can have it turned off.


1. To deliver parts, click the row the part was entered on and select .

2. Select or add the vendor the part is coming from and then select save

3. Enter the invoice number, cost, and verify your margins and retail price.

4. Finally, to process the delivery, click on either Stock Item Spec Purch Temp Purch. “Stock Item” will put excess into inventory, “Special Purchase” will indicate you are not keeping any in the shop, while “Temp Item” will let you add the part without tracking anything.


1. To add labor, select a tech or the general labor option by clicking under under the tech. If you’re using pre-made job or info imported from a labor guide with description and hours filled out already, you can stop here.

2. Fill out whatever description you’d like to type in or edit what is there, and then change the amount of billed hours. The total labor price by the selected rate will be added to the total and credited to the selected tech.

Make Payment

Make Payment

Choose your customer's payment method. The amount will default to the ticket total; you can edit this if he is using multiple forms of payment. If you’re manually applying credit card fees or need to change it for the BM Pay option, select Edit CC Processing Surcharge.

Click process or submit payment depending on your payment method. If you’ve cleared the balance, your ticket is complete and will be marked paid to be processed in the next End of Day.



The Admin page stores a large amount of Bay-masters customization features. You can understand them by their categories at the top of each column and then by their categories. 



This column will store all options dealing with bookkeeping, your shop’s performance reports, and payment histories.

  • End of Day handles anything relating to running end of day, previewing end of day information, or processing it to Quickbooks or data backups.
  • Reporting has options that will let you see detailed reports of sales processed at End of Day



This column has every option to manage your inventory as it is reported in Bay-master. You can see what the program shows you as on-hand in the shop, pull reports about your inventory, or deliver new items to add to your inventory.



This column includes all of our marketing and communication options. Reach your customer by text or pull a mailing list to contact customers by mass physical or digital mailers.



This column has a few sections, all of which we may come to as we first get setup with the program or as changes happen within the shop.

  • Custom lets us customize options on the front desk or how the program tracks and displays information.
  • Sales is a category for setting certain charges, markups, or general sales information will be stored.
  • Pre-written Messages stores any pre-saved messages that appear in the program. You may come here to edit or add notes or texts you see when trying to communicate with your customers.
  • Company Defaults stores important information about your company, how your invoice prints, and how the program can best reflect how your business operates.


This column holds a number of circumstantial tools which you may not need every day, but will be useful in certain situations or only when you first setup the program


Support Tools

This column contains important links for getting support from us and also staying informed about your privacy and end user license agreement.

Start End of Day

Start End of Day

Using End of Day, we’ll take all ready to process paid tickets, put them into history, and start building reports on your shop’s performance with them. 

On the left, we can choose what period of time we’re closing. We’ll select Day if it’s the middle of the week, “Week + Day” if it’s the end of the work week, and then Month or Year when we reach the end of those periods.

On the right is where you can see what reports will be printed when we run End of Day. The default reports can be edited in “Setup” which is back one step in Admin right below “End of Day”. If a report isn’t made at End of Day, it can always be recreated at “EOD Sales History” in the “Reporting” group under “Accounting” in Admin.

When everything looks right, you can select “Process” and End of Day processes will begin. 

  1. A backup of your live tickets is made which can be restored under “Backup and Restore” under the “End of Day” group in Admin.
  2. Prints of all selected reports will be printed via signaler (Bay-master Client) if it is installed and currently opened. 
  3. All paid status tickets will be moved to history and removed from Front Desk. 
  4. The date will automatically advance to the next business day. 


The Technicians menu is for adding any employees to the system. Once added, we can use their profile to track the billed hours they perform, have them punch in and out at the time clock, or track their performance as a service writer.

By default, only the generic default labor technician is in the list. To add technicians, select the “Add Technician” button at the top of the table. A pop-up will appear.

On the pop-up, only the Name and Billable Rate fields are required. The name is how the tech will be tracked across reports and the timecard while the billable rate tells us how much we will charge when the technician is performing work. This can be greater or less than your default labor rate if you please.

The other noteworthy fields when making or editing a technician are:

  • Cost/Hour, which will tell the program how much the technician is paid hourly.
  • Active/In-Use checkbox, which indicates the technician is a currently employed or otherwise active technician. Checking this off will keep them in the system but remove them from the technician selection on a ticket. 
  • Service Writer Checkbox, which will enable the technician to log-in as a service writer on a ticket and be credited for the work quoted.

The remaining fields are for your or your technician’s paperless note keeping.

Stockroom Editor

Stockroom Editor

The Stockroom Editor gives you access to and tools to edit your shop’s inventory. We can search for our parts by their number, the vendor we get them from, their description or any of the other options next to the search bar. The table below will filter to only look for parts which match your search. 

When we are editing or adding a new part, we’ll see the following window. We can access this by either clicking the Pencil icon next to the part we want to edit or by clicking the “Add New Record” right below the item search bar.

We only want to add a new part when it is already in our inventory. If this is a part we are purchasing, you should add the part through Deliveries and Returns, also found in the “Stockroom” column in admin.

Out of the following list, we recommend focusing on reporting Item Type, Main Part #, Description 1, Dept Code, Quantity on Hand, Cost, and Retail. The rest are for additional features or 


  • Item Type: Check off inventory if it’s something you keep in stock or “Spec” if it’s a special ordered item only for a specific vehicle.
  • Main Part #: Fill out the main identifying part number you’d like to search for the part by on tickets.
  • Description 1: A plain language description of the part. This description will follow the part to a ticket and should let the customer know what exactly the part is.
  • Desc 2/Linked #: This field can be used either for additional description or to have the part link to another part which will always be added with it. If you click the “…” box to the right of the field, a parts search box will appear and let you pick from your inventory list.
  • Vendor Name: If this part always comes from a specific vendor, you can select from your existing list of vendors using the “…” Box to the right of the field.
  • Barcode /VDR #: If you’d like to track a unique number your vendor uses or the actual barcode number on the product, you can type that in here.
  • Other / MFR #: This field is for any additional number associated with the part, like if you have a serial number to track or if there is an additional manufacturer number.
  • Alternate Part #: If you’d like to look this part up by an additional part number, you can type that number in this field.
  • Category: This is a general category which you can look the part up by. This isn’t used for any reports and is more a general search option for you to use.
  • Other Note: Additional note taking space for any information about the part.
  • Dept Code: Select from a list of departments to add this part to. You will be able to sort by this department code on various inventory reports.
  • Location: Use this field to note where the part is physically in your shop, like “red cabinet” or “Shelf 3, Row 5”.


Stock & Deliveries

This section is about the amount of the inventory item you have.


    • “Qty on Hand”, or quantity on hand, shows how many counts of a part are in the shop and are free for use.
      • Deliveries shows how many parts have come in on a delivery but are waiting to be finished being processed. These parts may be used before being added to inventory, but are counted separately in case the parts are returned or were incorrectly delivered. 
      • Quantity in use shows us how many of the part are claimed on an open ticket. These are not fully removed from the record until the ticket is finished and processed at End of Day.
      • Available is the total count of delivered parts and quantity already on hand. 
    • Unit Type tells us if we’re counting individual counts of the part or some kind of measurement, like using ounces for oil.
  • Min, Max, and Min order quantity let us tell Bay-master how much of the current part we’d like to have on hand at all times. When we go to generate a purchase order automatically, the program will refer to these values to let us know what we should order and what we should, at a minimum, order. On order shows us how many are currently on purchase orders while required shows us how much of the part we need to make the minimum stated.


This section tells us how much we’ve paid for the part and how much we’re currently selling it for.

  • Cost will be determined either by the average or last cost reported when delivering the part. Which one the program uses can be set in “Company Information” under the “Setup” column in Admin.
  • The Retail will tell us what margin and price we’re charging at our three pre-set price levels. These can be adjusted in the “Margin Matrix” menu under “Setup” in Admin.


Additional Labor Charges will let you either add on a billed amount or a certain amount of hours when the part is added to the ticket. Labor note will be brought into the labor section of the job the part is added to. 


Movement will show you counts, sales, and costs summarize for different periods. Detailed information on this can be viewed in the history tab which you can select at the top of the inventory pop-up.

Margin Matrix

Margin Matrix

The Margin Matrix is a tool that will let us set how different parts will be automatically priced based on their cost. You can view the margin matrix either in terms of margin, a targeted profit percent, or by markup, a raw percentage of increased price. Toggling between the two will retain the same price rates while converting the markup to the appropriate margin and vice versa.

The price level drop down lets us switch between price level one, two, and three. A customer is set to this price level in their customer record. Right below this drop down is a cost test, where you can put in any hypothetical cost and see what the current price level will price it at. This is helpful to refer to if you plan to make changes to any price level.

Reading the margin matrix

The margin matrix displays the current price level and its eight cost points. Each individual price point has a cost, a margin or markup, and a retail price. As the cost put into the matrix increases, it is going to slide from point to point. For example, if we have cost points at $50 and $100, something that costs $75 will be priced at a margin somewhere between the margin for those two cost points.

As you make changes, the graph at the bottom will reflect how high your margin is and how much net profit you’re making at each cost point. 

Editing the margin matrix

Make sure the price level you’d like to change is selected at the top drop down. Once we’re certain we’re on the right price level, we can start making changes. We recommend focusing on setting cost points with margins that make sense for you and then testing with the cost tool below the price level drop down instead of getting too focused on adjusting everything perfectly. If you’d still like to break down everything that can be changed, you can make changes according to these three options:

  • Change the cost points: this will change how frequently your margins or markup will change as your cost increases. You might want to change this if you want more margin changes at specific points of cost.
  • Change the margin: Changing the margin at different cost points will make the customer’s price change at different rates. Lowering a margin may make the cost change at a slower rate up to that point while changing faster going towards the following point if that is left unchanged. 
  • Change the retail: If you’re not sure what margin you want to target but you do know what you charge at certain cost points, you can put in the retail you are familiar with and the matrix will calculate the margin that is being achieved at that retail amount. You may want to test current prices to see what kind of profit margin you’re achieving with this method.


With the scheduler, we can organize and make tickets with the time we plan to start then visually represented. We can view our schedule at a number of views. We’ll start with the most general and slowly zoom in.


Agenda view takes your day and lays your day out. This view is really useful if you know your day is set or if you want to quickly see what a day looks like written out. With this view, we can’t manipulate the tickets beyond removing them from the scheduler with the “X” button that appears when you hover over a time slot. 



Month view will show the current month and the amount of available hours on each open business day and the amount of tickets scheduled on each day. You may want to use month view when a customer is scheduling a large job in advance. By clicking on each day, you’ll have the following menu:

  • Add Ticket will take you to the customer and vehicle search to create a ticket for the selected day.
  • Go To This Day will take you into the day view for that specific date.
  • Go To This Week will open that day’s work week in the week view.
  • Shop Closed wil mark that whole day as unavailable for scheduling other tickets.
  • Cancel will unselect the currently selected day.



In Week view,  you’ll see the individual tickets currently scheduled as blocks. Each block will be assigned to a bay that has its own column and will be as long as the job is in hours, or it will remain in the unscheduled tab. If you don’t see any columns other than “Unscheduled” please select the “Setup” button at the top of the page and follow the help instructions there to add your bays.  

This screen is for scheduling across the week, so the information on each ticket block is a little compressed. If you need to see a specific day, you can click the block at the top of the column for the day to switch to Day view. 

If we need to create a new schedule block, you can drag the “ADD TO SCHEDULE” block to the time you want to add to. To make the block take up more time, you can click and drag at the bottom of the block. Once it’s where you need it, click on it once to see the following menu:

  • Add Ticket which will take you to the customer and vehicle search to start making a ticket. Once you select or create, it will be added to the time you’ve dragged the block to. 
  • Mark Bay Unavailable will allow you to block off the selected time and prevent anyone from scheduling tickets at that time. 
  • Cancel to unselect the Add to Schedule block.


If we need to move or change an existing ticket, we click on it once to see the following menu options:

  • Load Ticket which will take you into the ticket summary for the selected ticket.
  • Set Committed which will lock the ticket to the current time it is occupying. This can be changed or cleared with the details option or with the reschedule option. 
  • Reschedule recalls the ticket to the Unscheduled column, clearing its scheduled or committed time. 
  • Details will show you a pop-up summary of the ticket, including when it’s scheduled, the committed time, what jobs are currently on the ticket, and any notes made on the ticket. 
  • Delete will remove the ticket from the scheduler until you return to the ticket from the Front Desk and attempt to schedule it again.
  • Cancel will unselect the currently selected ticket block.



Finally, in Day view we’ll have the exact same tools as the Week view, but with more detail on individual tickets. The menu is exactly the same, but we can see more information with more ease because of the scale each ticket is displayed at. 

Scheduler Setup

Scheduler Setup

The Scheduler Setup menu is for customizing the hours and display of your Bay-master Scheduler. 

Business Hours

Before we set our actual hours, we have the checkbox option to return unfinished jobs back to the unscheduled column if they go past their scheduled time without being set to finished.

Then, under your actual business hours, you have the option to set your business as open or closed on various days. On days where you are set to open, you’ll be able to customize your hours and limit what times will be available on a given day. 


In this field, you will manage your individual bays which will appear on the scheduler. If there is nothing in this table, you can select the “ADD” button to add a new bay. The new bay will require a name under the “Description” column. After that, you’ll be able to add work to that bay. 

If you’d like to pre-set when your lunch is auto-added to the schedule every day, ensuring you don’t have jobs overlapping with the times when no techs will be available. Simply set your time and enable the “Auto-add” checkbox. 

Calendar Preferences

This section controls how ticket events will display on the scheduler.


    • The Hide Customer Instructions option will simply hide any customer instructions on the ticket event block, leaving you only with key information from the ticket. 
    • General View will control which view the scheduler will use when you enter it from the Front Desk. With the month option, you have the choice of setting it to the current month, next month, or two months out. 
  • Ticket View will indicate which view the scheduler will use when coming to the calender from a specific ticket. This is limited to Day and Week view.
  • Calendar Precision will determine if you have 30 or 15 minute blocks of time which your tickets will snap to when dragged around the calendar.


Job Editor

Job Editor

The Job Editor is how you can save yourself time when building out repeat jobs. Any kind of work you find yourself frequently adding to a ticket can be saved ahead of time so you can simply select from a list and finish your estimate. This large list of pre-saved jobs are available on any ticket. For all existing jobs, you can edit or remove them as much as you’d like. For jobs that are not yet saved, to the list, we can easily add them. 

We’ll first look at how to navigate the main job editor interface.

Before we get into the list of jobs itself, we’ll look at a couple of tools we have at the top of the page

    • The Job Category options will let us filter our list of canned jobs, showing us only Alldata, Carquest, or Speedecat jobs. 
  • Add New Job lets you add a job to the top level of the list. This is described in detail further in the article.
  • Labor Rates gives you the tool to update the hourly labor rate in all jobs. Simply click the button, enter your update hourly labor rate, and click update.  Every job will now use your new labor rate by default.


Now, we’ll take a look at the list itself.

When we first open the Job Editor, we’ll see a list of the top most job categories. These jobs that we’re looking at right now can hold sub-jobs underneath them, making them useful for describing what your big categories of work are. If we click the arrow to the left of the category name, it’ll reveal all jobs saved under that category. 

With the jobs that just popped up, we can treat them as the job that we’ll use on a ticket or we can use them as a sub-category under the first category we opened up. To see existing jobs or to make a new job stored under a sub-category, we simply click the arrow to expand the group one more time for the relevant sub-category. 

If we want to add a new category, we’ll want to use the “Add a New Job” button at the top of the list. If we want to make a sub-category or canned job to a main category, we need to expand the main category we want that job under with the arrow button and then select the “Add a New Job” button that appears. Finally, if you want to make a job under a sub-category, we need to expand the sub-category the new job will go under and use that “Add a New Job” button that appears. 

At any level, we’ll get this popup which asks us to name the job that we’re making. The “Name” field is what we’ll see using the software, usually a short abbreviation which makes it easy to look up quickly, while the “Detail” will print to a customer’s estimate and invoice, informing them of what that job group is. After that, you can proceed to building the job and setting the quotes just like any other job group. 



The Setup menu is a menu that lets us see the most recent end of day for different periods of time, as well as control what reports are on by default for the various closing periods. 

At the top left, select “Last Run History” shows you a summary of the most recent closing for the day, week, month, and year. If you select  the “View Logs” button, you’ll be able to view a detailed log of when the processing date was changed.

Right below the Last Run History block is the “Last Day in Week” block, where you can tell the software what your last business day of the week is. 

Finally, at the center of the page we can control what reports are on by default. At the top of this box, we can toggle which ranges of time we are setting the defaults for. Selecting “Day/Week” will let us edit the defaults for any End of Week or End of Day processing, while “Month/Year” will change the defaults for the Month and Year processing. Simply toggle on the blue check mark for reports you would like to print by default and make sure the box is blank if you would like it off. 



History is where you’ll be able to retrieve individual tickets that have been processed at End of Day. This includes paid tickets, internal, warranty, file only, and even deleted tickets. 

To retrieve any ticket, we can look it up using any of the search options at the top of the page. 

Entering any kind of search will give us matching tickets. We can sort the order they appear in by clicking any of the columns at the top of the search results.

Once we have our list of history results, we can click the name or row of the ticket to open just like open tickets in the front desk.

We additionally have the option to interact with multiple tickets. If a customer is requesting multiple tickets from different repairs, you can use the check box on the left of each ticket listing to create a group of tickets. This group can be batch printed to paper or to PDF using the Print and Preview buttons at the top of the page respectively.

Company Information

Company Information

Company Information handles a number of vital and optional background features that indicate how your business operates. Please feel free to navigate directly to the topic you need to know about, rather than reading the entire article.

Info #1

  • Processing Info
    • Processing Info controls what current date the software is set to. This will affect open tickets’ most recent date if you make changes to them today and will also affect a ticket’s number if you are using the date based system. If you are using numeric, it will simply proceed from the last number regardless of the date.
    • Editing the next WO number is locked behind a password not distributed to users. Please call or email the support team if you think your next WO number needs to be changed. The software generally knows to skip repeated numbers, so this should not need to be done other than in instances of software errors or if backdating a ticket is required. 
  • Company info
    • The information filled out under “Company Info” will control what the program will print to your estimates, work orders, and finished invoices. This can be turned off with the “Print Below Information on Estimate” checkbox, but you should still leave any information filled in as some of it is used to verify your account against your BM Pay merchant account.
    • The Daily Sales Goal controls what goal the “Show Goal” button on the front desk counts towards while the print options are used if you are switching to a custom invoice of some kind.
  • Sales Tax
    • Under “Sales Tax and Rates”, your parts and labor sales tax rates should be set from when you first made your account. Sales and labor tax can be set freely here if taxes in your region change at any time.

Info #2

    • Job costing
      • These three boxes control what the default cost the system will use in regards to your cost of goods and inventory. 
        • Last Cost will calculate your profit and margins based on the last price the shop paid for individual parts and goods.
        • Average Cost will use an average of all costs over the history of the part.
        • “Use the Greater Cost” will flip between the prior two choices based on which would select the higher cost.
    • System
      • This section controls much of how the system displays and loads information:
        • Open Tickets Refresh Rate: control how frequently tickets save, refresh, and grab other user’s changes.
  • Idle Ticket Close: control when, in minutes, a ticket will be closed after being left open.
  • Inventory Search Delay: control how long any inventory search waits before it checks against how much you have typed. This is useful if you type slowly or have long part numbers.
  • Inventory Max Search Count: this controls the amount of results searching inventory will show at once. This is set to limit at 100 by default, but if you experience slow down when searching inventory, you may want to lower this. 
    • New Customer Defaults
      • This section controls what information is filled out automatically when new customers are added to Bay-master. Each field corresponds to the same field on the customer’s record, while the “New Ticket Status” drop down controls what status their ticket will set to upon creation.
  • Default Payment Type controls the default payment type on tickets when you are not using BM Pay.
  • Labor Setup
    • This is where we can set your default labor is set for the general labor option in jobs. Right below it, we have a system for interesting labor charges on longer jobs. The percent entered will be used to increase the labor rate as the job gets longer, starting after one hour. The table to the right of the field shows can show these calculations with the “Calculate Hourly Quote Chart” 

Under Labor is Credited to Technician controls when labor shows on reports calculating a tech’s total billed hours. The default option “Immediately” will include it once the line of labor is written while Finished and Paid will delay the crediting until the ticket is set to either status.



This page contains pre-made Notes and Text Messages.

Notes are for premade messages that are either applied automatically to a ticket or are loaded into a note within parts and labor. 

Texts are pulled for communicating with the customer at specific stages of their repair and have built in features to pull information about the repair and billed total. 

To create a note, select the “+ ADD NOTE” button at the top of the Notes table. To customize the note, we have a name that is used internally and a description for your customers, just like jobs. Under name, we can type in freely for any custom note, but we also have a few options in the drop down menu for some automatic notes:

  • Note1 will print before any jobs, inspections, or notes print on every new invoice.
  • Note2 will print after all jobs, inspections, and notes on every new invoice.
  • Note3 will print on the next page after all jobs, inspections, and notes on every new invoice.
  • Disclaim will print at the bottom middle of every invoice.
  • CCDisclaim will print to all credit card receipts.

Regardless of if the note is applied automatically or loaded manually, it will pull the full message typed below the description.


To create a text message, we’ll use the “+ ADD TEXT” button at the top of the text messages table further down the page. We have a name which will indicate what status the text message is pulled for and a description so you know what the message is about. As described at the top of the window, text messages can start with the following abbreviations:

  • TE texts will only show on estimate status tickets
  • TF texts will only show on finished tickets
  • TG texts will only show when texting from within a job
  • TO will always be available


We then have drag and drop tags you can use to compose your message. Drag any of the tags surrounded by percent signs and they’ll automatically pull information from the ticket you are texting from:

  • %coName% will pull your company name
  • %coPhone% will pull your company phone number
  • %total% will pull the currently due total on the ticket
  • %tax% will pull the currently due tax on the ticket
  • %subtotal% will pull the subtotal before tax on the ticket
  • %group% will pull the job group name if you are texting from within a job.